2,379 research outputs found

    Alternative technologies to red wine barrel aging: a review

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Viticultura e Enologia (Double degree) / Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Universidade de Lisboa / Faculdade de Ciências. Universidade do PortoThe knowledge acquired until nowadays by wine industry allows to affirm that the scenario concerning aging process and technologies related, one of the most important aspects of wine production, has changed especially for the red wines. In the past decades was generally accepted that the only aging containers suitable for aging red wines were the oak barrels, but over the years alternative technologies have been fine-tuned, some of which will be treated in this review. The main reasons that have led to the necessity to find an alternative to the barrels are surely the increasing production of wine industry, and consequently the higher space needed to age wines; the cost of barrels, higher in the long term compared to the alternative technologies; the necessity of replacing them after 3 or maximum 4 years and also the ease with which microbiological instabilities can rise up in wines, due to some harmful microorganisms present inside the oak wood (Brettanomyces/Dekkera). Over these motivations, the increase in wine aging technologies has been caused by a more dynamic market compared to 20-30 years ago, so from this emerged the need of producing wines in shorter periods. My master thesis work sets as an objective to evaluate some of the most important oenological red wines aging technologies, reporting the state of art of each one, including the main advantages and drawbacksN/

    Adaptation of High Performance and High Capacity Reconfigurable Systems to OpenCL Programming Environments

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    [EN] In this work, we adapt a reconfigurable computer system based on FPGA technologies to OpenCL programming environments. The reconfigurable system is part of a compute prototype of the MANGO European project that includes 96 FPGAs. To optimize the use and to obtain its maximum performance, it is essential to adapt it to heterogeneous systems programming environments such as OpenCL, which simplifies its programming. In this work, all the necessary activities for correct implementation of the software and hardware layer required for its use in OpenCL will be carried out, as well as an evaluation of the performance obtained and the flexibility offered by the solution provided. This work has been performed during an internship of 5 months. The internship is linked to an agreement between UPV and UniNa (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II).[ES] En este trabajo se va a realizar la adaptación de un sistema reconfigurable de cómputo basado en tecnologías de FPGAs hacia entornos de programación en OpenCL. El sistema reconfigurable forma parte de un prototipo de cálculo del proyecto Europeo MANGO que incluye 96 FPGAs. Con el fin de optimizar el uso y de obtener sus máximas prestaciones, se hace imprescindible una adaptación a entornos de programación de sistemas heterogéneos como OpenCL, lo cual simplifica su programación y uso. En este trabajo se realizarán todas las actividades necesarias para una correcta implementación de la capa software y hardware necesaria para su uso en OpenCL así como una evaluación de las prestaciones obtenidas y de la flexibilidad ofrecida por la solución aportada. Este trabajo se ha llevado a término durante una estancia de cinco meses en la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia. Esta estancia está vinculada a un acuerdo entre la Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia y la Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIRusso, D. (2020). Adaptation of High Performance and High Capacity Reconfigurable Systems to OpenCL Programming Environments. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/150393TFG

    Knowledge based Approach for Formulating TRIZ Contradictions

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    AbstractThe article presents how to innovate a product using information extraction from patents literature to identify and overcome TRIZ contradictions. Each initial inventive situation has to be formulated in terms of contradictions in order to use the most effective tool for problem solving provided by the TRIZ theory.The authors propose, (1) an algorithm guiding the user to move from an indefinite problem situation to obtain a clearer problem formulation, following a process inspired to the ARIZ approach for fixing physical contradictions, and (2) some strategies and tools for selecting, acquiring and finally modeling the necessary information to improve the effectiveness in building the contradiction model.All those strategies have been implemented in a knowledge management tool called KOM, working as an automatic patent searching engine based on a functional oriented search. An exemplary application is presented to explain how KOM is integrated in the problem definition process

    From Altshuller's 76 Standard Solutions to a New Set of 111 Standards

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    AbstractThe 76 Standard Solutions were created by G. Altshuller as solutions for common inventive problems. Since they were invented, many authors have attempted to improve them, pointing out some difficulties in applying the standards properly and the need to modify this powerful tool. A new system of 111 Standards is proposed, organizing the information of Altshuller's Standard Solutions according to a simple and rigorous functional approach. Standards are now classified by three Macro-classes which refer to harmful functions, insufficient functions and problem of measurement and detection. Every standard consists of an Action, indicating its functional purpose (such as "blocking" or "deflecting" the harmful action, "concentrate" or "enhance" the insufficient action, etc.) and a Suggestion, representing how you can realize the goal by adding or modifying fields and substances. A comparison between the old and the new system of standards is proposed

    Supporting Decision Making and Requirements Evaluation with Knowledge Search and Problem Solving

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    Abstract In the last years, several methodologies have been developed to organize and rank product requirements in order to plan a reliable innovation strategy. The main difficulties of these methodologies are the transformation of customers' needs in technical requirements, the subjectivity of the evaluation and the strong relation between requirements and the adopted technological solutions. The most structured methodologies use QFD (quality function development); sometimes in combination with other design theories. An easier and faster way is based on the evaluation of each product requirement by importance and satisfaction values. In this article, a methodology called "KOMpetitive Intelligence" is proposed to make the evaluation of importance and satisfaction a more robust and consistent process. First, knowledge of experts is integrated with knowledge extracted from patents, market analysis, scientific literature and commercial literature. Second, the generation of new alternative solutions, coming from problem solving activities, are integrated in the evaluation process. Third, decision making and the definition of an innovation strategy are supported with a concise diagram that summarizes the gathered knowledge and facilitates the assessment of each requirement. After several academic case studies, this methodology has been applied in a big multinational firm for two different products and is now on-going for the development of a third product

    On a probabilistic approach to synthesize control policies from example datasets

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    This paper is concerned with the design of control policies from example datasets. The case considered is when just a black box description of the system to be controlled is available and the system is affected by actuation constraints. These constraints are not necessarily fulfilled by the (possibly, noisy) example dataset and the system under control is not necessarily the same as the one from which this dataset is collected. In this context, we introduce a number of theoretical results to compute a control policy from example datasets that: (i) makes the behavior of the closed-loop system similar to the one illustrated in the dataset; (ii) guarantees compliance with the constraints. We recast the control problem as a finite-horizon optimal control problem and give an explicit expression for its optimal solution. Moreover, we turn our findings into an algorithmic procedure. The procedure gives a systematic tool to compute the policy. The effectiveness of our approach is illustrated via a numerical example, where we use real data collected from test drives to synthesize a control policy for the merging of a car on a highway

    Anticipating the Identification of Contradictions in Eco-design Problems☆

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    Eco-improvement tools aim at identifying the most critical areas of a product life cycle, thanks to eco-assessment techniques like LCA. The designer is then encouraged to intervene by modifying the product or the manufacturing process characteristics. However, even a slight change of the product life cycle can seriously affect other parts of the cycle itself. Usually, this influences are hard to predict. Only an expert of LCA could effectively anticipate the major repercussions of a life cycle alteration. However, with the introduction of abridged aLCA, life cycle analysis has become a tool for the common designer, which usually doesn't have the expertise to identify the great number of interdependences involved. In these cases, the designer's efforts in reducing product environmental impacts can be ineffective or even counterproductive. This paper proposes a method and tool, called contradiction prompter, which integrates TRIZ in Life Cycle Assessment. Once environmental criticalities are defined by LCA, a set of guidelines are suggested to intervene on the product. The contradiction prompter collects a set of predefined typical contradictions that can arise when adopting a specific guideline. This can limit the typical trial and error approach and reduce the risk of ineffective redesigns. The framework has been clarified through an exemplary case study, dealing with the redesign of a moped wheel

    How to Exploit Standard Solutions in Problem Definition

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    Abstract In this paper we propose a creative method to support ARIZ, a step-by-step method for problem solving invented by Altshuller in 1956. Specifically, we propose a new formulation of step zero, which deals with clarifying and verifying the problem statement. Since the birth of ARIZ, step zero has been continuously updated; ARIZ-56, ARIZ-59, ARIZ-61, ARIZ-64, ARIZ-65, ARIZ-68, ARIZ-71,ARIZ-75, ARIZ-77, ARIZ-82, and 3 versions of ARIZ-85 prove all attempts to balance convergent and divergent phases in order to change the perspective on the given problem, adding useful information from the market or the patents, igniting lateral thinking and overcoming psychological inertia. After Altshuller's death, ARIZ development has been continued by TRIZ masters and followers without establishing a reference model. This paper proposes a revision of two classical Altshuller's tools, the "multiscreen method" and "76 standard solutions" to be used in the problem formulation phase. The first one is called Film MakerTM and is a simple tool to manage the cause-effect relationship through the description of a film, i.e. a sequence of events. The second one is called "111 Standards" and is a structured elaboration of Altshuller's 76 standard solutions to systematically identify alternative partial solutions. A four step method containing these tools is presented together with an exemplary case. After more than 2 years experimentation within a project commissioned by the chamber of commerce of Bergamo, involving over than 30 companies, we discuss the results and efficacy of this approac